February 23, 2017

Levi Robinson, panelist of the 2nd Annual Georgia Innovation Summit presented by Georgia Mentor Protégé Connection in partnership with the Georgia Department of Economic Development Small Business and Georgia Centers of Innovation.

The 2nd annual Georgia Innovation Summit was hosted on Wednesday February 22, 2017 at the Georgia Tech Research Institute Conference Center in Atlanta, GA. This summit presented several corporate leaders, small business owners, and entrepreneurs that shared their experiences of sustaining their businesses over the years.

 Levi Robinson, President/CEO of Advanced Technology Logistics, Inc. served on the Small Business-Innovation Grass Roots Panel. “This was an AWESOME Summit for the mere fact that our mission was to unveil how collectively, along with the vast resources and networks throughout the state, each segment of the market can Innovate, Collaborate, and Grow Georgia’s Economy,” shared Mr. Robinson.

ATL, Inc. presented a dynamic presentation on how innovation fuels Georgia’s growing economy.